We are Keith and Valerie Kessler. We have owned and hunted with Bracco Italianos since 2004.
We have been members of the Bracco Italiano Club of America since its inception in 2007.
Nikki Hockenberger partnered with Riverbend Braccos in 2013.
​Valerie was the Secretary for the Bracco Italiano Club of America from 2009 to 2016. Valerie stepped down as Secretary in 2016 and became a Board member for the Bracco Italiano Club of America and served in that role until 2019. Valerie now serves as the Secretary for the Bracco Italiano Health Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit. To learn more about the Bracco Italiano Health Foundation go to the website at www.braccodatabase.org Valerie also attends hunt tests and occasionally goes to all-breed and specialty rare breed conformation shows because we feel beauty is as important as brains!
Keith is a Hunting Coordinator with the Bracco Italiano Club of America and is in charge of coordinating regional gatherings at our pheasant club, Hastings Island in Rio Vista, CA. Keith is a lifelong hunter and is happy to help mentor those that are new to the Bracco Italiano Breed and/or new to hunting. Keith and Valerie both compete in AKC hunt tests.
Nikki Hockenberger served as a Board member for the Bracco Italiano Club of America and has helped coordinate the Riverbend regional gatherings at Hastings Island and the National Specialty hunt tests and raffle/auctions. Nikki is a life long hunter and spends most weekends in the field with her dogs.
At Riverbend Kennels, it has always been our profound aspiration to produce the absolute best and most versatile dog, not only for the present, but also for the future of the Bracco Italiano breed.
If the intellect, affection, and versatility of the Bracco Italiano fits your idea of a perfect hunting companion and family dog, please contact us so that we can discuss the availability of dogs and answer any questions you may have.

06/25/2008 - 01/03/2021
I loved you your whole life. I’ll miss you for the rest of mine.

01/20/1997 - 12/27/2012
Only God could have made this morning, fog rising from the pond.
Teeth chattering in the cold gray dawn, anxious for the suns first warming rays.
We begin to get excited now, as we wait for that first duck.
A whispered prayer for good aim, and another one for luck.
I share a drink of coffee, with the best friend I've ever had,
Thanks, God for these mornings,
Duck hunting with my lab.

In loving memory
6/04/2004 - 6/03/2011
In My Anguish And My Pain.
Through My Joy And My Sorrow. In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
I'll Never Let You Part. For You're Always In My Heart.